What is this site?
I love seeing and understanding patterns. Not only because of their inherent beauty and how interesting they can be, but because I believe pattern intelligence and pattern wisdom can enhance our ability to live well. I find am regularly less interested in content, or the thing, or the behaviour, but am fascinated by its relationship with it's context and how it came to be in the first place. What is it similar to? In essence, but also in its development? What meaning is ascribed to it and what other things get ascribed similar meaning? One of the competencies that sits alongside pattern intelligence is being able to join dots. Being tuned into how a data point that is part of one pattern can be related to a data point in another pattern. This all sounds a bit esoteric without examples which in turn can present as a bit prosaic. This site is where I will explore these ideas, and identify examples of pattern intelligence and wisdom. I am a generalist, but I'm also good at a few ...